Jerusalem, Nicosia and World War 3

‘Cypriot press reported last week on a large joint Israeli-Cypriot military drill.
The following Israeli video publicises an elite Israeli commando brigade engaged in aggressive military routines around Cyprus’ Troodos Mountain range.

How did this came about? How did the Cypriots, who are known to support the Palestinian cause, become a province of the Israeli empire?
An Israel-Europe gas pipeline deal is the answer.
In the beginning of April we learned about a proposed 2,000 kilometer subsea pipeline connecting gas fields located offshore in Gaza and Cyprus with Greece and possibly Italy.
The pipeline agreement among Israel, Italy, Cyprus and Greece leaves both the Turks and the Palestinians out. While Gaza faces a critical energy crisis with electricity reduced to less than three hours a day; Israel aims to collect billions of dollars from a significant natural gas reserve located off the Gaza shore and well within Palestinian territorial water (assuming such a term exist).’
Read more: Jerusalem, Nicosia and World War 3

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