John Major urges Theresa May to pull out of DUP deal over risk of violence returning to Northern Ireland

‘Theresa May’s plans to make a hung parliament deal with the Democratic Unionist Party will risk the return of violence to Northern Ireland, former Conservative Prime Minister John Major has warned.
In an extraordinary intervention, Major warned that the deal could cause the peace process, which he played a large part in securing as prime minister, to “unwind” and urged May to avoid risking this at all costs.
“People regard the peace process, that was very hard-earned [as certain],” he told the World at One on Tuesday.
“People shouldn’t regard it as a given. It is uncertain, it is under stress, it is fragile.”
He warned that any deal with the DUP could lead to violence.’
Read more: John Major urges Theresa May to pull out of DUP deal over risk of violence returning to Northern Ireland

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