Knives out for Theresa: May is told to consider QUITTING by her own side as Tory MPs go public about her ‘dreadful’ campaign

‘Theresa May faced calls to resign from within her own party this morning after a devastating general election left her authority shattered.
Former Conservative minister Anna Soubry led the charge against the embattled Prime Minister as she condemned a ‘dreadful’ Tory campaign.
Ms Soubry slammed the Tory campaign for sending out negative messages on key policies like free school meals and social care.
As dawn broke, Mrs May appeared on the brink of becoming one of the shortest lived PM’s in history after losing seats at the snap election she did not have to call.
The Tory leader has just hours to work out her next steps – or face having it decided for her if her party takes matters into its own hands.’
Read more: Knives out for Theresa: May is told to consider QUITTING by her own side as Tory MPs go public about her ‘dreadful’ campaign 

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