Labour & Lib Dems ‘plotting Queens Speech amendments to destroy’ Theresa May’s Government

‘The opposition parties want to pass amendments in tomorrow’s Queen’s speech, and only need seven MPs to join them to dismantle the minority Government.
The proposed amendments are likely to cover a range of issues from an open Irish border, access to the single market, improved rights for tenants, united Brexit negotiations and more money for the NHS.
Historically if the Queen’s Speech is amended the Prime Minister must resign.
A House of Commons source told the Telegraph that a successful amendment “would be a unique situation – they would have to make a decision if the Government was strong enough to continue”.
Mrs May could be saved by the Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011 which made it clear that only a vote of no confidence in the House of Commons can remove the Government.’
Read more: Labour & Lib Dems ‘plotting Queens Speech amendments to destroy’ Theresa May’s Government

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