LaRouche: Federal Credit to New York Transportation Crisis, Now —The Nation’s Economy Is at Stake

For six months American voters have been waiting for President Donald Trump and the Democrats to take action: Get Federal credit flowing to renew the nation’s infrastructure at a higher level. There have been promises, but no credit, and no design of how it will be used.

Much of America’s early 20th-Century economic infrastructure is not just “crumbling” quietly; it is threatening lives. The most dangerous case is the transportation breakdown crisis hitting more than 20 million people in the New York Metropolitan Area. The “Summer of Hell” that has begun on New York’s transportation arteries actually threatens the entire U.S. economy.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche on June 12 called time on all the infrastructure “talk”: “There must be Federal government funding immediately to build new infrastructure in New York City,” LaRouche said. “The Federal government must take over this crisis; it is the only source of an orderly form of credit for this problem. This is a major national crisis, the U.S. economy depends on solving it. We have had enough talk without any specifics, without any real payment coming on.

“Put it on the table — both the funds, and the use of the funds — now.”

Meanwhile Democrats have consumed the government with “Russiagate,” the conspiracy to drive the President from office for wanting cooperative relations with Russia. Fired FBI man James Comey’s testimony has made very clear what this was: a staged intelligence agency attempt to entrap and depose the President; in the words of one political veteran, “a nothingburger” for a wildly distracted Congress.

Drop “Russia-gate.” White House and Congress must gear up to prevent the economy from collapsing and Americans from becoming further impoverished and dying. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act so banks will lend. Set up a national credit institution to build what must be built; whether a Hamiltonian national bank for infrastructure and manufacturing; a new Reconstruction Finance Corporation based on FDR’s; or a project grants agency with Federal funds. Invite cooperation from the champions of new infrastructure platforms, China’s “Belt and Road Initiative.”

Without these steps, LaRouche said, “All dreams of rebuilding the nation are dead.”

SIGN OUR PETITION: Congress, Suck it up & Move On—It’s time to Rebuild the Country

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