Military probe finds mistakes in US airstrike on Syrian mosque, declares it ‘blow to al-Qaeda’

‘A military investigation into a US airstrike on a mosque in Syria’s Aleppo province found that the strike was “lawful,” even though it likely resulted in the death of a civilian. More than 40 people died in the attack, which targeted an Al-Qaeda meeting.
On Wednesday, US Central Command (CENTCOM) released the findings and recommendations of an internal investigation into the March 16 airstrike in Al-Jinah, Syria. The conclusions were first announced in a series of tweets.
The US initially refused to take credit for the strike, admitting only to striking a nearby terrorist gathering in the bordering Idlib. The Pentagon also insisted that the mosque was still intact, despite video evidence to the contrary. In early May, however, CENTCOM acknowledged that it destroyed the mosque.’
Read more: Military probe finds mistakes in US airstrike on Syrian mosque, declares it ‘blow to al-Qaeda’

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