New British minister Michael Gove gets funding from Israel lobby

‘Rupert Murdoch’s influence over British politics is finally sagging. His best-selling paper The Sun – which in 1992 claimed to have won a general election for the Conservatives – tried its best to lampoon opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn ahead of last week’s general election. The efforts backfired: against the odds, Corbyn’s Labour Party dramatically increased its vote.
Murdoch has nonetheless been offered a consolation prize. Michael Gove, a Conservative with a record of sycophancy towards the media tycoon, is back as a cabinet minister.
Since his bid to lead the ruling Conservatives failed last year, Gove has been writing a column for The Times – a Murdoch title.
Gove has used that platform to argue that Britain should be more strident in its support for Israel. In one article, he advocated that Britain should move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
That would be a reversal of official British policy – which opposes Israel’s settlement activities in occupied East Jerusalem as they violate international law.
Gove has also worked as a pro-Israel lobbyist during the past 12 months.’
Read more: New British minister Michael Gove gets funding from Israel lobby

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