New ‘Solar Paint’ Turns Your Entire House Into A Source Of Clean Energy

‘As governments scramble to tax their citizens into a greener world, research in the free market is proving to be the ultimate catalyst in a sustainable future. As governments pass legislation to prop up the fossil fuel industry, renewables are battling back in this epic David and Goliath match. One of the latest and most unique innovations that is showing promise to free humanity from the grip of fossil fuels is solar paint. Yes, solar paint.
Researchers in Australia, from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), have developed a solar paint that can absorb water vapor and split the molecule to separate it into hydrogen — the cleanest source of energy.
The research has recently been published as “Surface Water Dependent Properties of Sulfur Rich Molybdenum Sulphides – Electrolyteless Gas Phase Water Splitting” in ACS Nano, a journal of the American Chemical Society.’
Read more: New ‘Solar Paint’ Turns Your Entire House Into A Source Of Clean Energy

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