‘No safe place’: Man who fled Raqqa & lost kid blames US-led strikes for civilian deaths
‘A Syrian man who claims his daughter died in a US-led airstrike while fleeing the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa, Syria, told RT about the horrifying events of his escape and claims the US-led coalition has an alarming tendency to target civilians.
“Coalition planes struck the district of Dariya, I was with my daughter at the time, and just like that, she perished in the blast, I lost my leg. More often than not, US planes hit civilians, not Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL],” Abu Abdullah told RT Arabic.
The man’s face has been blurred on the footage for security reasons.
The locations targeted by the bombings are mostly civilian too, so the locals basically have nowhere to hide.
“It’s mostly civilians who die in the Dariya district: the agricultural university, the Al-Hal market, hospitals – all these buildings suffer from coalition bombings. No place is safe,” he added.’
Read more: ‘No safe place’: Man who fled Raqqa & lost kid blames US-led strikes for civilian deaths
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