Orange Order asks DUP to use banned sectarian Drumcree march in negotiations with Theresa May

‘Supporters of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) are demanding Theresa May allow a banned loyalist march as part of an agreement by the Northern Irish party to prop up a minority Conservative government.
The Portadown Loyal Orange Lodge (LOL), who are currently prevented from marching in the flashpoint Gavaghy Road following a long history of sectarian violence, put out a statement amid speculation as to what concessions the DUP could demand in return for striking a deal with the Tories.
Orangemen were banned from marching through the nationalist area of the mainly loyalist town following repeated riots during the Troubles. Protests against the ban culminated in 1998 with the shocking murders of three young boys after their house was firebombed in a loyalist arson attack.’
Read more: Orange Order asks DUP to use banned sectarian Drumcree march in negotiations with Theresa May

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