Palestinian Authority could ‘change status of Gaza’ with profound implications for the region

‘Rumours are swirling in the Palestinian Territories that Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is considering declaring the Gaza Strip a “rebel district”, a move which could cause even greater hardship for the coastal enclave’s two million inhabitants.
A recent report published in newspaper Israel Hayom quoted an anonymous senior PA official as saying that Mr Abbas is mulling over the move, which it described as a “doomsday weapon”, allowing the leader to exert even greater pressure over rival Hamas, the militant organisation which controls the strip.
“Implementing the plan would mean immediately declaring a state of emergency throughout Gaza while simultaneously issuing emergency orders designating certain groups and movements as ‘rebels.’ In such an event, Hamas would be outlawed and all its assets – including institutions, funds and bank accounts – will be frozen. In addition, arrest warrants will be issued against the heads of the organisation,“ the paper said.’
Read more: Palestinian Authority could ‘change status of Gaza’ with profound implications for the region

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