Police chiefs ‘to consider arming beat bobbies with pistols’ in a bid to tackle terrorists on the streets

‘Police chiefs are to consider arming beat bobbies with pistols to tackle terrorists on the streets.
The controversial move could overturn Britain’s proud tradition of routine unarmed policing.
The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) will meet next month to discuss a range of ideas to combat a marauding terror attack, including arming patrol officers in key locations.
The idea is that officers who are not part of Britain’s firearms squads could react quickly to shoot a terrorist such as the Westminster or London Bridge attackers if they were first on the scene.
Yesterday West Midlands Chief Constable Dave Thompson called on the Government to ‘think very carefully’ about the need for ‘enhanced protection’ for officers who run towards terrorists.’
Read more: Police chiefs ‘to consider arming beat bobbies with pistols’ in a bid to tackle terrorists on the streets 

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