Prof. Calls White People Inhuman

A Connecticut professor recently called white people “inhuman assholes” and shared an article about letting “bigots” die in a post on Facebook.

Trinity College professor Johnny Eric Williams shared his thoughts publicly on social media, saying, “fed the fuck up with self-identified ‘white’s’ daily violence directed at immigrants, Muslims, and sexual and racially oppressed people. the time is now to confront these inhuman assholes and end this now,” Campus Reform reports.

Williams also said, “It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system. #LetThemFuckingDie.”

The “let them die” part of that post refers to a Medium article he shared on his Facebook page titled, “Let Them Fucking Die.”

The post says that when an oppressor or “bigot” needs life-saving help, they should be left to die.

It reads, “If they are choking in a restaurant. If they are bleeding out in an emergency room. If the ground is crumbling beneath them. If they are in a park and they turn their weapons on each other: Do nothing.”

Read the Whole Article

The post Prof. Calls White People Inhuman appeared first on LewRockwell.

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