Putin on War With US: ‘No One Would Survive’

‘Russian President Vladimir Putin has given a series of interviews to renowned film director Oliver Stone, answering the questions on the most controversial issues of modern-day international politics. Talking on a possible military conflict between Russia and the United States, the Russian leader said that no one on Earth would survive it.
Putin said in an interview with US film director Oliver Stone that no one would survive if a war began between Russia and the United States.
“I think no one would survive [such a conflict],” Putin said answering a question if the United States would be dominant in a “hot war” with Russia. The part of the interview was partially released by the US Showtime TV channel.
Putin added that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is constantly looking for an enemy to justify its existence.
“There is no longer an Eastern Bloc, no more Soviet Union. Therefore, why does NATO keep existing? My impression is that in order to justify its existence, NATO has a need of an external foe, there is a constant search for the foe, or some acts of provocation to name someone as an adversary.”‘
Read more: Putin on War With US: ‘No One Would Survive’

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