Rescue teams ‘find bodies of 42 people crammed into one room in Grenfell Tower as they desperately tried to shield from the fire’

‘The bodies of up to 42 people were found in just one room by search and rescue teams combing Grenfell Tower after the fatal fire last week, it has been claimed.
It is believed the remains of the group were discovered inside one of the flats by recovery teams who have been searching the White City tower block over the last few days.
A video uploaded on YouTube shows an unnamed man speaking in front of the burned out tower. He said: ‘He said: ‘I’ve got a friend who works for the fire brigade here, yeah? Yesterday on the phone he said they found about 42 bodies in one room, all hiding together. No-one knows that.’

Read more: Rescue teams ‘find bodies of 42 people crammed into one room in Grenfell Tower as they desperately tried to shield from the fire’ 

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