‘Ridiculous hubris’ Brussels wants to retain indefinite right to fine Britain AFTER Brexit

‘Brussels wants to retain the indefinite right to bring legal cases against Britain and fine it for breaches of European Union law even after it has left the bloc, it emerged tonight.
Eurocrats dropped a Brexit bombshell on Theresa May as they published a list of extensive demands which would see the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the EU Commission retain their stranglehold on the UK long after our departure.
The dynamite revelations were buried deep in a series of positioning papers published by Michel Barnier’s team this evening and are likely to be ferociously opposed by British negotiators.
Eurosceptics tonight dismissed the demands as “ridiculous hubris” from Brussels negotiators and urged the prime minister to reject them out of hand.’
Read more: ‘Ridiculous hubris’ Brussels wants to retain indefinite right to fine Britain AFTER Brexit

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