Saudi prince reveals ‘US conditions’ for Mohamed Bin Salman to be king

‘Saudi Prince Khalid Bin Farhan al-Saud, who lives in Germany, has revealed what he claims are the US conditions for helping Mohamed Bin Salman to become King of Saudi Arabia before his father’s death, reported on Friday.
Writing on Twitter, Khalid said that he had received the information from an informed source within Saudi Arabia’s ruling family.
The alleged conditions include “absolute obedience to the US and Israel and carrying out whatever they ask him to do.” Three other conditions, claimed Khalid, are stated in return for helping Bin Salman take the throne before the death of his father: “Working to settle all Gaza residents in north Sinai as an alternative homeland and Saudi Arabia along with the UAE will afford the needed funds; getting rid of Hamas and whoever supports it; and getting Sanafir Island from Egypt.”’

Read more: Saudi prince reveals ‘US conditions’ for Mohamed Bin Salman to be king

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