Soldiers cheated out of justice by crippling court bills: Lawyers say many face being found guilty because they cannot afford to be represented in court

‘Soldiers face being found guilty for crimes they did not commit because they cannot afford to represent themselves in court after facing baseless claims, lawyers claimed yesterday.
Military personnel of all ranks are being told by the Ministry of Defence they must pick up a bill of up to £9,000 to have a barrister defend them.
Many of them cannot afford to make the increasing contributions and are turning up at court martials facing ‘excessive and unsupported’ claims with no legal advice, it is claimed.
Sources said judges were increasingly turning to charities to ask them to step in and help the desperate soldiers.
The Military Mutual (TMM), which offers specialist insurance products for military families, has been forced to step in and take on nearly 100 cases for free.’
Read more: Soldiers cheated out of justice by crippling court bills: Lawyers say many face being found guilty because they cannot afford to be represented in court

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