South Korea, US should offer concessions to North: South Korean president

‘South Korean President Moon Jae-in says Seoul and Washington should offer concessions to North Korea if Pyongyang meets their demand on a temporary halt to its nuclear program before it ultimately dismantles that program.
“Without rewarding North Korea for its bad actions, South Korea and the United States should closely consult what they may give the North in return for a nuclear freeze,” Moon said while he on board a flight to the US on Wednesday.
He added that in order to resolve the escalating crisis on the Korean Peninsula, Seoul and Washington, with certain conditions, had to enter into “dialog” with the North.
“At least, North Korea should restrain itself from further nuclear and missile tests and promise a nuclear freeze before full-fledged dialog for nuclear dismantlement can start,” he said.’
Read more: South Korea, US should offer concessions to North: South Korean president

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