The Goyim Know

‘Sir Eric Pickles  may be the most disgusting sabbos goy in British politics. Pickles stood down as an MP before the 2017 election, but the ex-Parliamentary chair of the Conservative Friends of Israel still relentlessly advocates the interests of one tribe only.
Pickles pontificates on Corbyn’s recent electoral success in an article in the rabid Zionist Times of Israel. “[H]ow did Corbyn’s comments on Hamas not put off voters?” he asks.
In the article Pickles affirms that it was the Jews who kept Theresa May in power. “Were it not for the Jewish community’s strong support for Conservative candidates in north London, then Comrade Corbyn could well be in No 10 right now.”  Pickles is probably right, but how did this come about?  Why is British Jewry’s political choice so distinct from that of their gentile neighbours?  Are those Jews British first or are they just ‘Jews who live in Britain’ as the Zionist mantra* suggests?’
Read More: The Goyim Know

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