Theresa May accused of bribing DUP with £1billion deal despite claiming ‘there is no magic money tree’

‘Theresa May stands accused of using at least £1bn of public money to seal a “grubby deal” with Northern Irish unionists that lets her cling on to power.
The cash – branded a “bribe” – helps save Ms May’s premiership following her botched election gamble and was found despite her having claimed during the campaign that there is “no magic money tree”.
But the agreement boosting health, education and infrastructure spending in Northern Ireland, as well potentially handing Belfast new tax-raising powers, faced an immediate UK-wide backlash.
Political leaders from every home nation attacked it, with one branding it a “stitch-up”, another calling it a “shoddy little deal” and others warning it threatened peace in Northern Ireland.’
Read more: Theresa May accused of bribing DUP with £1billion deal despite claiming ‘there is no magic money tree’

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