Theresa May asked if Rupert Murdoch told her to give Michael Gove a Cabinet job, in letter from Labour’s deputy leader

‘The Prime Minister is facing demands to say whether Rupert Murdoch asked her to appoint Michael Gove to the Cabinet.
In a letter to Theresa May, deputy Labour leader Tom Watson said it had been “suggested” to him that Mr Murdoch, owner of The Times and The Sun, had lobbied the PM for Mr Gove’s return to front-bench politics.
Ms May sacked the now-Environment Secretary last year when he was serving as Justice Secretary, having previously headed the Department for Education.
Mr Watson’s letter says: “Given your failure to secure a parliamentary majority and the consequent weakness of your position, it might be tempting to allow yourself to be influenced by powerful media proprietors who can shape the way your government is covered.’
Read more: Theresa May asked if Rupert Murdoch told her to give Michael Gove a Cabinet job, in letter from Labour’s deputy leader

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