Tunisians rally for right to eat during Ramadan and not get arrested. Yep, you heard that right and, yes, the world is insane

‘Tunisian protesters gathered in defense of the right to eat and drink in public during the Muslim fasting month. The demonstration, organized by a local rights group, comes after the arrests of non-fasters earlier this month.
The activists, who flocked to Tunis center on Sunday, chanted slogans and held posters in Arabic, English, and French, which read: “Why does it bother you if you fast and I eat?” The group called on the government to guarantee the constitutional right of belief and conscience in the country with no laws against non-fasting.
The group called ‘Mouch Bessif’ (Not against our will), which launched the event on social media, said they came to protest against the arrests of those not fasting. Less than a week into start of Ramadan, four men were sentenced to one month in prison for eating during daylight. The court in the city of Bizerte charged them with “attacking public morals.”’
Read more: Tunisians rally for right to eat during Ramadan and not get arrested. Yep, you heard that right and, yes, the world is insane

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