Vaccines can be blamed for diseases without any proof, EU top court rules

‘As the ‘anti-vax’ movement continues to gain traction across the globe, the EU’s top court has ruled that vaccines can be blamed for diseases even when there isn’t any proof they are responsible.
The European Court of Justice ruled on Wednesday that a vaccine can be considered defective – and thus the cause of a disease – if there is “specific and consistent evidence” related to when the vaccine was administered, the patient’s previous state of health, the lack of family history of the disease, and a significant number of reported cases of the disease occurring following vaccination.
The court went on to state that such factors could lead a court to determine that “the administering of the vaccine is the most plausible explanation” for the disease, and that “the vaccine therefore does not offer the safety that one is entitled to expect,” AP reported.’
Read more: Vaccines can be blamed for diseases without any proof, EU top court rules

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