Vatican launches probe into group of exorcists who ‘made a pact with Satan over the death of Pope Francis’

‘Exorcists who reportedly worship the devil and believe its former leader controls climate change are being investigated by the Vatican.
The Brazil-based group of exorcists, known as the Heralds of the Gospel, are said to use rogue exorcism practices to possess people.
They are also said to believe their former leader Dr Plinio Correa de Oliveira, who died in 1995, is in close contact with Satan.
Even in death, Dr Plinio is said to possess the ability to control climate change and is plotting towards the death of Pope Francis.
The Vatican’s investigation was launched as video emerged online purporting to show group members recounting a conversation with the devil.’
Read more: Vatican launches probe into group of exorcists who ‘made a pact with Satan over the death of Pope Francis’ 

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