What Do Your Dreams Mean?

Whether it’s a perfect dream or an absolute nightmare, most of us would love to know what our dreams are trying to tell us.

From bumble bees and angels to a lighthouse and trees, the different symbols and pictures we see in our slumber hold various meanings.

Delphi Ellis, a qualified therapist and professional dream interpreter, spoke to Spirit and Destiny Australia magazine about the different symbols and signs to look our for in our dreams.


According to Delphi, bees and bumble bees bring the ‘sweetness’ into the world.

They may be a signal to watch the company you keep, as bees work efficiently as a team.

If bees are a source of fear in the dream, Delphi suggests it may be a reference to a ‘situation that caused you hurt and created a change you weren’t expecting’.

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‘You’re being told to embrace this change,’ Delphi said.


Like our emotions and lives, the sea can be unpredictable.

If your dream includes the sea, Delphi said it could be a a suggestion that you are overwhelmed by recent events, or feeling out of your depth.

Take steps to build resilience and positive change, but not without thinking it through first.

Delphi said symbols of the ocean may also represent a need for a holiday and a restart, and endless possibilities.


The old adage says you can’t love others without first loving yourself, and dreaming of a puppy or baby animals can represent a need to take care of yourself.

Loyalty, good nature and a kind heart are found in puppies, and may be telling you that you’re a good companion.

They might also represent quick thinking that could lead to stressful situations.

‘This symbol may suggest that, like a puppy, your thoughts sometimes run away from you, or you are easily distracted,’ Delphi said.

Puppies can also be fiercely protective, which may create conflict where it doesn’t need to be.


While it would come as no surprise that women will probably dream about shoes more often than not, they may hold more meaning than just a birthday wishlist.

‘If you dream of shoes it’s a sure sign that you are, or need to be, grounded so you can be in touch with everything that’s happening around you,’ Delphi told the publication.

Seeing shoes in your dream may also be a telling sign that someone has been overly judgemental around you, which has caused tension.

As they say, you can’t judge until you’ve walked a mile in another’s shoes.

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