When Government Forces Parents’ Hands On Vaccines: A Response To Paul Offit

‘If anyone wanted any more proof that vaccine fanatics were becoming even more radicalized and authoritarian they need look no further than Paul Offit’s June 18th article for the Daily Beast entitled “When Parents Force the Government’s Hand on Vaccines.”
Offit’s article does not read so much as an opinion piece as it is a threat almost visibly looking down his nose at parents who do not vaccinate while hinting rather openly that if they continue on their current path the government itself may have to step in and force them to change their ways.
Offit does his best during the course of the article to frighten the reader with visions of dead and dying children from allegedly vaccine-preventable diseases and to make a constitutional case for forced vaccination.
What Offit actually accomplishes is revealing himself and the rest of his clan to be nothing more than hidden (and not-so-hidden in the case of Offit) authoritarian fanatics who will literally tear children away from families at gunpoint if that is the only way he can make an entire population act in accordance with his will and belief.’
Read more: When Government Forces Parents’ Hands On Vaccines: A Response To Paul Offit

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