Why Arab rivals have joined together to take on Qatar

‘The Gulf kingdom has long been out of step with its powerful neighbours, who now think the time is right to bring it into line.
It is a gulf Arab state that supports various Islamist groups – with critics saying it uses a TV channel as a tool of its foreign policy.
You could say that about a number of Arab countries, but it is Qatar that is being singled out for criticism and diplomatic ostracisation to a degree seldom seen before in the Arab world.
The reason? Qatar has long been out of line with the regional consensus and its neighbours believe this is the time to pull the small Gulf kingdom into line.
Other countries in the region may well support various Islamist militias in Syria.
Some sponsor TV channels perceived by many to have clearly biased agendas.
Saudi Arabia is accused of spending billions exporting a hardline form of Islam that its critics say leads to extremism.
But none of them share the sympathies and pet causes of Qatar.’
Read more: Why Arab rivals have joined together to take on Qatar.

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