Will new Lib Dem leader do deal with the PM? Party and the Conservatives hold secret meeting opening up the prospect of another coalition

‘The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats held a secret meeting yesterday, opening up the prospect of another coalition government.
Tory whips met with Alistair Carmichael, deputy chief whip during the alliance, as talks between the Government and the DUP continued.
Talks opened after Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, who had ruled out pacts, deals and coalitions, stepped down on Wednesday.
There is a feeling that the new party leader may agree to a deal, and would be able to secure the backing of the party.
One possibility is that former equalities minister Jo Swinson takes over from Mr Farron, and agrees to enter into a coalition with the Tories after their deal with the DUP is done.’
Read more: Will new Lib Dem leader do deal with the PM? Party and the Conservatives hold secret meeting opening up the prospect of another coalition

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