Will Tory-DUP deal reignite Northern Ireland’s Catholic-Protestant tensions?

‘Northern Ireland’s Protestant Orange Order has urged the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to use its newfound political influence over Tory Prime Minister Theresa May to get a ban on its controversial annual march lifted.
The DUP, which has close links with the Loyal Orange Institution, is reportedly under pressure to use its new kingmaker role to extract concessions from the Conservatives.
The Orange Order is a masonic-style, hyper-conservative religious and political organization which grew out of Northern Ireland’s centuries-long sectarian conflict.
The DUP itself was at the center of a bloody sectarian divide during Northern Ireland’s Troubles – a conflict involving rival paramilitary groups and the British Army which claimed more than 3,000 lives over 30 years.
Concessions from the Tories might include the dropping of a ban on a controversial march by the Protestant order through a Catholic area of Northern Ireland’s Portadown along Garvaghy Road.’
Read more: Will Tory-DUP deal reignite Northern Ireland’s Catholic-Protestant tensions?

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