Yes this really is the end of Tory austerity – because it was never about economics in the first place

‘“The crisis”, the economist Rudiger Dornbusch once noted, “takes a much longer time coming than you think. And then it happens much faster than you would have thought.” A similar dynamic describes the progress of Conservative austerity politics.
The stunning failure of Theresa May in last week’s general election signalled to Tory MPs that the public have had enough of spending cuts. Though the deficit still stands at £50bn and the national debt is £1,700bn (and rising), austerity is over, we’re now told.
Seven years of Tory lectures that eradicating the deficit for the good of future generations is paramount suddenly fall silent. Politicians who have tarred critics as criminally irresponsible for suggesting an increase in public borrowing have now, in an instant, changed their tune.’
Read more: Yes this really is the end of Tory austerity – because it was never about economics in the first place

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