You Think Hawaii Is Expensive Now? Wait Until The Universal Basic Income

‘I spent three years in Hawaii. It’s obscenely expensive to live there. Real estate, food, electricity, health care, and travel costs are significantly higher in Hawaii than on the mainland. And incomes aren’t rising fast enough to match rising cost of living. As a result, many natives rely on government aid to survive. This week, Hawaii passed a new measure to study the universal basic income (UBI) as an attempt to address this problem.
But will it make costs even higher?
The bill, House Concurrent Resolution 89, declares that all families are entitled to basic financial security and empowers a number of government offices to evaluate universal basic income options.
Hawaii state representative Chris Lee wrote on Reddit that the measure will “analyze our state’s economy and find ways to ensure all families have basic financial security, including an evaluation of different forms of a full or partial universal basic income.”’
Read more: You Think Hawaii Is Expensive Now? Wait Until The Universal Basic Income

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