23 Egyptian soldiers killed fending off major coordinated assault claimed by ISIS

‘ISIS terrorists have claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on Egyptian forces on the Sinai Peninsula in which at least 23 soldiers lost their lives. Despite the heavy casualties, the military claims it foiled the major assault, killing dozens of terrorists.
At least 33 others were wounded in the major militant assault on an Egyptian army checkpoint near Rafah Friday, according to the latest figures reported by AP.
The attack in North Sinai started with at least one suicide bomber ramming a vehicle into the army’s outpost which had roughly 60 soldiers.
Immediately after the security perimeter of the outpost was breached, a small army of jihadists traveling in 24 Land Cruiser SUVs, and armed with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades, descended on the Egyptian armed forces, Reuters reported citing security officials.
In a battle that reportedly lasted roughly half an hour, the militants allegedly managed to loot some weapons and ammunition before fleeing, officials familiar with the matter told Reuters on condition of anonymity.’
Read more: 23 Egyptian soldiers killed fending off major coordinated assault claimed by ISIS

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