$570,000 per dead IDF soldier: Israel launches first lawsuit against family of Palestinian attacker


‘Israel has filed a lawsuit against the widow and children of a Palestinian man, who killed four IDF soldiers in a truck-ramming attack, demanding compensation of 2 million shekels ($572,000) for each victim, in what authorities say will be a permanent new anti-terrorism tactic.
Proceedings were opened by The District Prosecutor’s Office in Jerusalem, in conjunction with the Defense Ministry, against the estate of Fadi Al-Qanbar, who was shot dead after his January attack, in which thirteen people were also injured.
“This lawsuit, which stems from a terrorist incident in which soldiers were murdered, is designed to recover the expenses incurred in events of this kind to the state’s coffers, as well as sending a clear message that the state will also settle accounts on a civil level with the perpetrators of hostile acts,” read a statement from the District Prosecutor’s office, as cited by Haaretz.’
Read more: $570,000 per dead IDF soldier: Israel launches first lawsuit against family of Palestinian attacker

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