ACLU Sounds Alarm After DC Cops Tell Journalists To Delete Protest Photos

‘The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) responded to reports on Tuesday evening from journalists on Capitol Hill, who alleged that Capitol Police were blocking reporters’ access as they tried to cover healthcare protests.
Reporters from the Daily Beast, the Huffington Post, the New York Post, and the Washington Post all tweeted from the Senate Gallery that reporters were being prevented from covering the protests. As nearly 100 demonstrators were arrested for protesting the vote to move to a debate on Trumpcare, which would cut health care coverage for up to 32 million Americans, police told reporters not to document the scene.
Contrary to what the staffers reportedly suggested, there is no blanket law prohibiting the media from covering a “crime scene.”
Journalists also wrote that Capitol Police demanded that photos of the protests and arrests be deleted.’
Read more: ACLU Sounds Alarm After DC Cops Tell Journalists To Delete Protest Photos

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