Ambush, clashes kill 39 African Union troops in Somalia, Shabab claims

‘Somalia’s militant group al-Shabab has claimed that it has launched a blitz attack on African Union troops south of the country, killing 39 of them.
Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabab’s military operation spokesman, said Sunday that the group had definitely killed 39 members of African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in clashes that erupted earlier in the day in Bulamareer district in Lower Shabelle region about 140 km southwest of Mogadishu.
However, a senior regional official was quoted as saying by Reuters hours later that the death toll from fighting on Sunday between al Shabab fighters and Somalia government and African Union peacekeeping troops stood at 24.
“We have carried 23 dead AMISOM soldiers and a dead Somali soldier from the scene where al Shabab ambushed AMISOM today,” said Ali Nur, the deputy governor of Lower Shabelle region.’
Read more: Ambush, clashes kill 39 African Union troops in Somalia, Shabab claims

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