American Diabetes Association caught pushing recipes containing ingredients that promote diabetes

‘Yes, the American Diabetes Association promotes the very things that cause diabetes, and they encourage their victims to engage these junk science recipes that are listed on the ADA’s very own website. Is there any wonder why nearly 30 million Americans are living with diabetes right now? That’s about ten percent of the total population. Most diabetics think that the only health concern they have to deal with is their blood-sugar level, and according to the confounded ADA, it’s no wonder why. The aim of diabetes “treatment” is to keep blood sugar levels as “normal” as possible, but what about preventing cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, inflammation, hypertension and dehydration?
Most diseases and disorders are culprits and catapults for other diseases and disorders, and diabetes is no exception. In fact, diabetes doubles the risk of liver, pancreas and endometrial cancer, and increases the risk of breast, bladder and colorectal cancer by up to 50 percent.’
Read more: American Diabetes Association caught pushing recipes containing ingredients that promote diabetes

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