American ‘Volunteers’ Spotted in Ukrainian-occupied Donbass

‘Although one of the provisions of the Minsk Agreements is the withdrawal of all foreign military entities from Donbass, Ukraine and its Western allies headed by the US continue to relentlessly allege a Russian military presence in the region. For its part, Russia has denied such allegations, responding that it is an observer country to the same extent that the other countries that signed the Minsk Agreements are, i.e., Germany and France.
However, reports periodically come from Donbass which allow us to take a fresh, sober look at the real situation on the ground there. Just recently in conversation with Donbass militia volunteers, I repeatedly heard accounts of Western troops present in the ranks of the Ukrainian army in the capacity of instructors or as active fighters. Meanwhile, the Americans and Canadians do not hide the fact that they are training the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ units (such as at the Yavoriv polygon in the Lvov region), but they categorically refuse to admit that their servicemen (usually from commando units) are present at the frontline and fighting on the side of the UAF. On the other hand, my friends from the DPR army have reported that they have especially often observed Canadian and Polish troops present at the frontline.’
Read more: American ‘Volunteers’ Spotted in Ukrainian-occupied Donbass

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