Apple set to destroy reality and ensnare ‘tech hipsters’ into augmented worlds that disconnect people from reality

‘Just like Eve who was lured into taking a bite out of the forbidden apple in the Garden of Eden, many people today are enamored with the idea of chomping down on anything that tech giant Apple throws their way. This includes so-called “next level” technologies like the one the Apple is currently working on and soon to unveil, known as “augmented reality.” A.R. will reportedly allow users to basically live in a fake world filled with superimposed images of things that don’t actually exist.
At the recent 2017 Worldwide Developers Conference (W.W.D.C.), Apple C.E.O. Tim Cook was brimming with excitement over the prospect of coaxing even more unsuspecting victims into his company’s latest technological snare. Speaking about A.R., Cook told the media that he is “so excited about it” that he literally wants to “yell out and scream.”
Whether gleefully naive or even demonic, Cook’s guttural response to A.R.’s release is particularly bizarre, especially when considering that it serves no real purpose other than to erase yet another element of humanity from the social sphere. ‘
Read more: Apple set to destroy reality and ensnare ‘tech hipsters’ into augmented worlds that disconnect people from reality

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