Are smart meters to blame for house fires? Fears families are being put at risk after evidence suggests some engineers installing the devices don’t know what they are doing

‘A rush to install energy smart meters in millions of homes has triggered fires and is putting families at risk, it is claimed.
Evidence suggests some of the engineers hired to install the meters do not know what they are doing.
One employed by British Gas told a horrified couple: ‘Sorry, I’ve blown up your house.’
Details of two fires linked to the installation of smart meters were highlighted by the BBC Watchdog programme last night.
There are concerns that many more could follow, as energy companies have been ordered by the Government to install smart meters in 53million homes and businesses by 2020.
The programme will cost some £11billion, which is being added to customers’ bills. The meters transmit details of a family’s energy use to their suppliers using a system similar to mobile phones, removing the need for estimated bills.’
Read more: Are smart meters to blame for house fires? Fears families are being put at risk after evidence suggests some engineers installing the devices don’t know what they are doing 

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