Bankrupt Illinois just body-slammed citizens as legislature approved whopping 32 PERCENT hike in income taxes, but it won’t stop the fiscal COLLAPSE

‘They say desperate times call for desperate measures, but oftentimes being desperate leads to incredibly bad decisions.
And the Democrat-controlled Illinois Legislature just made one.
On Thursday the legislature finally passed a budget — its first since 2015 — by overriding Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto. The governor’s big hang-up with it? The budget proposal contained a massive 32 percent income tax hike that rational economists and tax experts understand will only worsen the state’s dire economic position in the coming years.
On a vote of 71-42, 10 of the state’s Republicans joined with Democrats to pass the new tax increase, which permanently boosts the rate from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent. In addition, the budget also raises the tax burden on businesses, hiking the rate from 5.9 percent to 7 percent, Breitbart News reported.
On average, the rate hikes amount to 32 percent for Illinois residents and a $5 billion hike in taxes overall.’
Read more: Bankrupt Illinois just body-slammed citizens as legislature approved whopping 32 PERCENT hike in income taxes, but it won’t stop the fiscal COLLAPSE

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