BBC Refuses to Report on Muslim Mob Who Attacked Whites For Being ‘Non-Muslims’

‘The United Kingdom’s national taxpayer-funded broadcaster, the BBC, is refusing to report on a hate crime rampage by Muslim men who attacked white people on the streets of Liverpool for being non-Muslims.
Amin Mohmed, Mohammed Patel and Faruq Patel were arrested after a series of vicious assaults that took place in Liverpool town center.
First the gang approached a man and asked him to recite the “Muslim word.”
“There is only one God, and Muhammad is a messenger,” the Muslim man responded, and was left alone.
The gang then cornered another man, asking him, “I’m a Muslim, what are you?”
“I’m a Christian,” he responded, before being brutally assaulted as the gang shouted, “Why aren’t you a Muslim?”
A Labour Councillor who was walking through the town with his girlfriend was then beaten by the gang and had to be taken to hospital for bruising and bleeding to his eyes.’
Read more: BBC Refuses to Report on Muslim Mob Who Attacked Whites For Being ‘Non-Muslims’

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