Brexit bill on the brink: Labour, Scots and Welsh gang up to DERAIL the plan amid warnings May will be forced out of her job

‘Labour, Nicola Sturgeon and the Welsh government last night threatened to band together to derail the Repeal Bill that ends the EU’s power over Britain.
Ministers yesterday published legislation to repeal the European Communities Act, which enshrines the supremacy of EU law – and the European courts.
It will smooth the path to Brexit by transferring thousands of EU regulations into British law, preventing legal uncertainty.
But Labour’s Brexit spokesman Sir Keir Starmer warned that his party would try to block the legislation when MPs vote in September as it will not bring a controversial human-rights charter into UK law.’
Read more: Brexit bill on the brink: Labour, Scots and Welsh gang up to DERAIL the plan amid warnings May will be forced out of her job

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