Brexit: Brussels aiming to block UK from carrying out criminal record checks on EU nationals

‘Brussels is seeking to block the UK Government from carrying out criminal record checks on EU nationals who apply for settled status in Britain post Brexit.
EU negotiators want the European Court of Justice (ECJ) to oversee the implementation of any agreement on citizens’ rights, a move which has received criticism from the UK.
Britain’s current proposals would see anyone who has already lived in the UK for five years given a new “settled status”, securing their position in the country.
Anyone arriving after the triggering of Article 50, but before a notional cut-off date, yet to be set, would also have the chance to stay for five years and gain the status.
However, the proposals would restrict the right of EU citizens in the UK to bring over family members and would also result in a loss of protection of the ECJ.’
Read more: Brexit: Brussels aiming to block UK from carrying out criminal record checks on EU nationals

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