C4L President Norm Singleton to testify at EPA Hearing

Campaign for Liberty President Norm Singleton will appear at a hearing before the Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 at 9:00 am ET regarding the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program for cellulosic biofuel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel for calendar year 2018. The EPA also proposed biomass-based diesel volume standards for calendar year 2019.

A large number of federal subsidies are doled out by the the federal government to boost the production and consumption of biofuels. Congress has enacted special tax breaks, direct grants, government-backed loans and loan guarantees, and a mandate to generate a larger biofuel and biodiesel market. For justitication of these programs, policymakers have promised reduced dependence on foreign oil, a new source of cleaner energy to lower gas prices, a stronger economy, and an improved environment. But typical of government, none of this has materialized.

Mr. Singleton will call on Congress to eliminate the bioenergy programs in the farm bill, Repeal the mandate in its entirety and allow consumers a choice at the pump, and let producers drive alternative fuel innovation.

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