California Cop Grabs Woman Selling Flowers by the Hair and Slams Her Into the Pavement

‘Police officers in Riverside County, California, are being investigated after a video surfaced on social media that showed them throwing a Spanish-speaking woman to the ground while she was trying to sell flowers.
Local newspaper the Press Enterprise reports that the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department is looking into the video, which shows one of its deputies roughly arresting a woman who was on the scene to sell flowers at the nearby Perris High School graduation on June 6.
The video shows the deputy approaching the woman and trying to take her flowers away. The woman resists and appears to push back a bit against the officer, who then grabs her by the hair and throws her to the ground on the pavement.’

Read more: California Cop Grabs Woman Selling Flowers by the Hair and Slams Her Into the Pavement

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