California may legalize ‘liquid cremation’ in bizarre attempt to fight the global warming that doesn’t exist

‘It’s no secret that human activity can contribute a great deal to damaging the environment, but did you know that you are hurting our planet even in death? The current methods of cremation that are offered in California are not environmentally friendly enough for some people’s tastes, and the state senate is now mulling legalizing liquid cremation.
Cremation is believed by some to be more environmentally friendly than burial, given the formaldehyde and other chemicals used in embalming bodies and the fact that large caskets – typically made of wood– are being buried in the ground and taking up a lot of precious land. Nevertheless, cremation causes mercury to be released into the air and it uses a lot of natural gas.
Enter liquid cremation, which is sometimes referred to as flameless cremation, water cremation, or bio-cremation. In this process, the dead body is dissolved using a hot chemical bath that leaves behind a sterile solution that is washed down the drain. This process has just a quarter of the carbon footprint of a traditional cremation by fire and just a sixth of that of burial.’
Read more: California may legalize ‘liquid cremation’ in bizarre attempt to fight the global warming that doesn’t exist

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