‘Conduct that Shocks the Conscience’: South Dakota Forcibly Catheterizes a Toddler in the Name of the War on Drugs

‘The state of South Dakota is practicing a form of drug war excess tantamount to torture or sexual assault, according to a pair of federal lawsuits filed by the ACLU on June 28. One suit charges that law enforcement and medical personnel subject drug suspects to forcible catheterization if they refuse to submit to a drug test.
The second suit charges even more outrageous conduct: State social workers and medical personnel subjecting a screaming toddler to the same treatment, in a fruitless bid to bring a child abuse or neglect charge against his mother.
Let’s be clear here: We are talking about a person having a plastic tube painfully inserted in his penis without his consent and with the use of whatever physical force is necessary by agents of the state. In the name of enforcing drug laws.’
Read more: ‘Conduct that Shocks the Conscience’: South Dakota Forcibly Catheterizes a Toddler in the Name of the War on Drugs

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