Congress Goes After Kratom, Attempts To Expand Drug War

‘With the 4th of July holiday having just passed, there’s nothing to remind Americans of their freedom more than the staggering speed at which their government has taken and continues to take it away.
After having come under attack by one of the most useless organizations in the federal government – the DEA – kratom survived only to be attacked by state governments all over the country. But because more and more Americans have realized that decades of propaganda coming from the DEA and other government organs regarding drugs is utter bullshit, many more Americans have tried kratom, which only entrenched their view that the DEA is more concerned in mission creep than anything resembling public health.
This is clearly the case since the DEA recently labeled CBD oil as a schedule 1 drug. While the DEA may feel proud of itself for being able to reclassify a non-psychoactive substance in the same schedule as heroin, it simply reaffirmed its belligerence to individual rights and its obvious connection to Big Pharma and Big Prison in the eyes of many Americans.’
Read more: Congress Goes After Kratom, Attempts To Expand Drug War

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