Conservatives abandon manifesto plan for free school breakfasts

‘The Conservatives have officially abandoned a flagship manifesto pledge to provide free schools breakfasts for all primary school pupils in England.
The move follows a series of u-turns on key flanks of the party’s general election manifesto, including proposals to lift Tony Blair’s ban on new grammar schools, a free vote on fox-hunting, social care reforms, energy price curbs, and plans to end the triple lock for pensioners.
The manifesto, drawn up by the Prime Minister’s former chief-of-staff, had included plans to replace free school meals for state school pupils with a free breakfast for “every child in every year of primary school”.
The election document added: “We do not believe that giving school lunches to all children free of charge for the first three years of primary schools – regardless of the income of their parents – is a sensible use of public money.”’
Read more: Conservatives abandon manifesto plan for free school breakfasts

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